Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Money Making Opportunity - Tagvillage Business Opportunity

Well, we got a second interview on the Secret Project that Tagvillage is working on. They are still in development and it is planned to be tested in three Stages before official launch:
  • Stage 1 - In-house testing only. No assistance from the membership.
  • Stage 2 - This will include a hand-picked team of actual site members along with the tagvillage staff.
  • Stage 3 -  This will Include the ENTIRE tagvillage membership for an exhaustive dry run testing.
So this is a great opportunity.  As a member before public launch, we will get first hand knowledge and an edge up to the general public.

Get signed up now.  It is free to join  - Tagvillage

Here is the Part  II interview as published by Tagvillage

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Homebase Money Making Opportunity - Tagvillage Soft Lauch

What if everything in the world could be sold for $0.10?

Is that the Top Secret Project that Tagvillage has been working on? It sure does sound interesting. Here brief excerpt:

I have to admit. Now, I was certain I was talking to a lunatic. I was beginning to think I needed to excuse myself from the interview and report to our CEO that we must be overworking our programmers because they are definitely going crazy! However, just then, our CEO walked in and joined in on the conversation. And, to my surprise, he asked if we had gotten to the part where tagvillage is going to sell every product on earth to its members for a fixed price of only $0.10!  How could this be? I had to learn more.

What I learned is nothing short of brilliant. Our incredibly talented team has found a way for tagvillage to essentially ‘subsidize’ the entire marketplace throughout the world. In a few short months, members of tagvillage will be buying iPads, computers, bedding, televisions, shoes, art work, baby cribs, and pretty much anything else they can ask for. However, unlike the rest of the world, the members of tagvillage will be paying a whopping $0.10 for any item they purchase! Imagine selling a Tag for around $1.00 and then buying a nice new pool table to reward yourself. Now THAT would be cool.

Click Here to read the full interview

Monday, May 9, 2011

Money Making Opportunity - Pre Launch of Tagvillage

Have You Heard of Tagvillage?

It's a Brand New concept site that is still in Beta Phase 2 of 5...what we offer are the 3 Mega Trends of Online Opportunities , such as Social, Search and Keyword or "Tag" Trading , all active members are currently earning a stream of income through the Tag Trading platform...but....the BEST is yet to come , in the next few months the developers will be integrating the "Tagvertising" Platform where we will earn handsome commissions on Tags we own (20%) every time someone clicks on an Ad...this will be HUGE for Tag owners! Another great concept we are implementing is , we are committed to sharing 10% of the weekly profits with Charities and Causes around the Globe (something not too many sites are doing) I would like to encourage you to take a peek and see what you think...FREE to register...if you like what you see and want to become an active member , all you need to do is fund your account a minimum of $5.00 to activate your referral link and invite others to do the same.

Join Now

Here is a quick Intro Video:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Multi Level Marketing Opportunities - Not Tagvillage

Multi level marketing opportunities - Tagvillage is not! 

There are three principles in earning at Tagvillage:
  1. Buying & Selling of Tags
  2. Advertisements
  3. Referals
Tagvillage is currently in beta.  So this is a ground floor opportunity to get in early.

For those of you who are interested in the current money opportunity of tagvillage, I am posting Tagvillage's current production timeline for the roll out of official opening of the site to the web.  Although there currently is not a date for this official opening, you can see the progess of the beta testing.

Pay close attention to the Top Secret Implementation,  as previously posted it is supposedly going to be a real eye opener, making people who have positioned themselves well to be well rewarded.

Please remember that during the beta testing you can earn from Tagvillage.

Here is the production timeline:

1. Complete Initial Project Planning (August 2010)

* Select development team
* Original project brainstorming
* Site component definitions
* Project development order
* Project development structure

2. Complete Incorporation & Business Development (September 2010)

* Select Board of Directors
* Select Officers
* Establish Corporate Governance
* Establish Operational Management

3. Complete Financing (October & November 2010)

* Develop Business Plan
* Identify Potential Investor Pool
* Conduct Investor Presentations
* Secure Project Financing

4. Complete Marketing Plan (November 2010)

* Brainstorm Marketing Strategies
* Develop Marketing Plan
* Implement Marketing Strategy

5. Complete Development Plan (November 2010)

* Collaborate Development Strategies
* Define Development Plan
* Implement Development Strategy

6. Complete Pre-Launch (December 2010)

* Develop Pre-Launch Site
* Develop Pre-Launch Marketing
* Develop Pre-Launch Registration
* Develop Pre-Launch Referral System
* Develop Pre-Launch Funding
* Develop Pre-Launch Bonus System
* Implement Pre-Launch

7. Complete Beta Stage 1 (January - February 2011)

* Migrate from Pre-Launch to Beta Servers
* Develop Local Registration
* Develop Platform Level Referral System
* Develop Tag Trading Platform
* Implement Local Registration
* Implement Platform Level Referral System
* Implement Tag Trading Platform
* Develop Platform Level Credits Purchase System
o Implement AlertPay Payment Processing
o Implement PayPal Payment Processing
o Implement Direct Credit Card Processing

8. In Development Beta Stage 2 (March 2011 - May 2011)

* Integrate Village Talk Forum with Platform
* Develop Activity Point System
* Implement Activity Point System
* Develop Daily Profit Sharing Program
* Implement Daily Profit Sharing Program
* Continue Bug Fixing and Enhancing Stage 1 Projects
* Develop Payout System
* Implement Payout System
* Bug Fixing and Enhancing Activity Point System
* Bug Fixing and Enhancing Daily Profit Sharing Program
* Develop Refund System
* Implement Refund System
* Develop Final Site Design
* Implement Final Site Design
* Develop Account Termination System
* Implement Account Termination System
* Implement Enhanced Member Details and Account Information
* Implement Enhanced Promotional Media and Referral Links

9. In Development Beta Stage 3 - TOP SECRET (May 2011 - June 2011)

* Bug Fixing and Enhancing Stage 2 Projects
* Develop Top Secret Platform
* Implement Top Secret Platform
* Bug Fixing and Enhancing Top Secret Platform

10. In Development Beta Stage 4 (June 2011 - July 2011)

* Finalize Production of Beta Stage 2
* Collaborate on Primary Stage 1 Search
* Develop Primary Stage 1 Search
* Implement Primary Stage 1 Search
* Integrate Facebook
* Collaborate on Primary Stage 1 Social Networking
* Develop Stage 1 Social Networking
* Implement Stage 1 Social Networking
* Develop Enhanced Administrative Reporting and Site Control
* Implement Enhanced Administrative Reporting and Site Control

11. Not Yet In Development Beta Stage 5 (August 2011 - September 2011)

* Collaborate on Cause Platform
* Develop Cause Platform
* Implement Cause Platform
* Develop Cause Payout System
* Implement Cause Payout System

12. Not Yet In Development Beta Stage 6 (October 2011 - November 2011)

* Collaborate on Tagvertiser Program
* Develop Tagvertiser Platform
* Implement Tagvertiser Platform

13. Not Yet In Development Beta Stage 5 (December 2011)

* Collaborate on Enhanced Social Networking
* Collaborate on Enhanced Search

Go to to register for free

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Money Making Program - Tagvillage Opportunity

I thought I would give a quick update on the progress of Tagvillage.  They just recently rolled out the new look for the website.  It is still in beta, but it is really starting to look sharp.  Now, according to the CEO, they can start to putting a lot of the focus on the "Top Secret" project.

Below is the full reprint of the news article.  Please note the last two paragraphs. This is extremely important! This could be a real gold mine of a money making opportunity.  Sign up is free.  But if you want to get into the game early, then a small little investment ($10 minimum) to start trading tags would be all that you need to hop on this train.

Good Luck,

Brand New Site and Next Steps
Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 10:00 PM

A complete overhaul, a few months in the making was revealed today. After countless hours of coding and testing, we truly hope the members of tagvillage like the new site. We assure you a lot of planning, research, and complex thinking went into the changes revealed today.

You may notice a few enhancements to the parts of the site that already existed. You may also notice some improvements in site performance. But what we really hope you notice is that we are starting to carve out space to implement new features like Search and Social Networking. At this time, these aspects of the site are not functioning, but we thought it would be nice to show our members where they will live as they are brought forth from development.

After sitting on pins and needles all morning, pacing back and forth around the office, rapping his knuckles on every desk in sight, and prodding every single developer he could find for a status report, our CEO finally jumped for joy and was able to relax when Alex Koval, head of Development, announced, "it is published." A collective sigh of relief followed by smiles and 'hoorays' filled the office. Then, instantly, it was eerily quiet as everyone stared at their computer screens waiting for error notices and bug reports to flood their vision.

Surprisingly, this didn't happen. Only a few small bugs crawled in. They were quickly slain and most of the crew was able to go home to their families to rest and relax. With only a few small bugs to deal with, we feel the new site will be 100% functioning within 48 hours. At least, this is the report our developers have bravely delivered to our CEO.

"Good! Now we can put all our focus into the Top Secret Project!" exclaimed David Ruebush, CEO, when he got this report. He went on to say, "In a few weeks, Sony, Apple, Nike, Walmart, Samsung, Home Depot, Target, Old Navy, Macy's, and so many more will be all over our site. We have to get the Top Secret Project finished so our members can capitalize on this amazing opportunity!"

As I left his office, I couldn't help but think how incredible it is that tens of thousands of people are about to make a fortune from companies like Nike and Apple and Old Navy, just by owning some words, er, I mean Tags. Wow! And if only they knew what the Top Secret Project had in store for them. I bet they would be on the streets begging their friends and neighbors to join the village. Well, the great thing is that so many lucky "early birds" are about to feast on a BIG GIANT WORM! And then, we get to pour this feast out to the rest of the world and carve off a big fat helping for our favorite Causes. What an awesome day! I am so glad I work at tagvillage.

So definitely Sign Up Now!